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FAQ Jammers List 5

  • Cell phone jammers stop unexpected noises

    With the widespread popularity of mobile phones, mobile cell phone jammer have also emerged, which can help people get rid of unexpected noise in mobile phones. Maybe we want to learn more about it. How does a mobile phone signal jammer work? This mobile phone jammer is portable, also known as an interference device, and provides the best final solution in areas where cellular communications are unpopular. It stopped the signal transmission between the mobile phone and the base station.


  • Several methods to choose high-quality mobile phone jammers

    However, if you want to use it in a theater center that can accommodate 10,000 seats, you need to purchase a large-capacity mobile jammer with a wide interference range.


  • Mobile phone jammer solves the problem of mobile phone abuse

    What is a Jammer phone and what phone can interfere? Have you ever heard the sudden sound of a mobile phone ringing during a concert? Or, when you watch a new Hollywood movie, someone pulls out their phone and speaks loudly? There is a sign on the gas station that says "No mobile phone", but some people still use their mobile phones to talk accidentally.


  • Mobile phone jammers can block multiple signals

    Cell phone jammers block the signal from cell towers, so all nearby cell phones will not show any services. However, once you turn off the jammer, all phones will resume the service. This allows us to easily stay away from noisy mobile phones.


  • Mobile phone jammers are the product of the development of the times

    Who do you spend the most time with? Your children, your parents? Your woman? wrong! This is a cell phone. You can easily find that you cannot turn on your phone for one second for a day or even an hour. We like cell phones, but you may not know that we also need cell phone jammer.


  • Mobile jammers can be used in the military

    Now we have a special mobile phone signal jammer: EO08007FR model 8-band adjustable mobile phone signal jammer. In this speed and speed company, sometimes it is not the best phone to call in many places, such as meeting rooms, courts and classrooms. , Because these places need peace and seriousness, so important information will not be leaked.


  • Cell phone jammers prevent endless conversations

    When there are too many noisy phones around, you may wonder what to do to make your location quiet. The answer is cell phone jammer. In many places, cell phones tend to be annoying. These types of venues include: libraries, churches, board meetings


  • Cell phone jammer interrupts the base station's signal

    Modern life is inseparable from mobile phones. But here comes the problem. Everyone uses their mobile phones everywhere every time, which can cause noise problems in some places where absolute silence is required. For example, in churches, we don’t want cell phone noise. In the concert, we don't want cell phone noise.


  • Mobile phone jammers improve driver attention

    I have a daughter who will get her license this week, and she is a great texter! I am very worried that she will send text messages while driving. Can I put a cell phone jammer in her car to stop her from texting while driving? In today's modern world full of electronic products, the safety of children is the most important thing we must care about.


  • Wireless signal can be shielded by wifi jammer

    I like to sit in a coffee shop and do different things on my laptop, from work to entertainment. But recently, I heard about the Firesheep plugin for Mosh Firefox, which allows malicious elements to invade your laptop via WiFi connection. Can I avoid it? Must use wifi jammer?


  • Cell phone jammers prevent surveillance and tracking

    Verint is a company that provides comprehensive surveillance and intelligence solutions for a wide range of government, military and commercial organizations.


  • Radio transmissions can be stopped using cell phone jammers

    I live on a main road and the sound of gangster rap is incredible. Some auto players may be MP3 players and certain radio frequencies. I live in the U.S. Virgin Islands, so I think we follow the U.S. agreement. I really hate other people's contemplation! ! ! So I wonder if it is possible to buy a mobile cell phone jammer to block it.


  • Mobile jammer prevents malicious programs

    I read about the security vulnerabilities of this tablet. As the owner of a tablet, I want to protect it from hackers. Is it really possible? In fact, the BlackBerry PlayBook has a security vulnerability that has been recently discovered by Ben Nell and Zach Lanier, two researchers from the Intrepidus Group.


  • WiFi jammer prevents wireless network intrusion

    Hello everyone! I mean, when these recently created cufflinks are connected to a PC or laptop, they can be used as a WiFi hotspot. They are indeed small, but the WiFi signals they generate can compromise the security of data stored on PCs or laptops, but there has been no similar situation in the rooms with wifi jammer.


  • wifi jammer to stop harassers

    They also installed some kind of noise-generating device in our home. The sound ranged from the knocking of the wall to the knocking of the windowpane. When we use the bathroom, it seems that they can see us in a certain way, that is, when they trigger these sounds in a certain way.


  • WiFi jammers can control electronic robots

    Recently, I watched a video about the iRobot 710 fighter, and I am worried that this thing might be used against me. Is there any way to stop outside my house? I guess you have watched iRobot 710 Warrior or similar videos. It is impossible to disagree that this technological miracle is indeed impressive and proves how advanced modern technology is.


  • Drone jammer blocks aerial cameras

    I know this thing is not cheap for people who want to compete with others, but just in case I want to know how to protect my house? Lehman Aviation has created the latest drones with various advantages and interesting features.


  • wifi jammer monitor smart robot

    Recently, I watched a video in which this small and fast robot was thrown into the house to conduct reconnaissance inside. How can I protect my house from such threats?


  • Can mobile jammers block three operators?

    The mobile phone jammers on the market are all full-band, which can shield all the 2G 3G 4G signals, 2.4G WIFI signals and Bluetooth signals under all the three operators of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom.


  • Mobile jammers can also interrupt WiFi and Bluetooth signals

    At present, the mobile phone jammers used in the examination room are all full frequency bands, which can interfere with all frequency bands of the three operators 2G/3G/4G/5G, and WIFI signals and Bluetooth signals can also be shielded.


  • The mobile phone jammer only shields the mobile phone signal in the examination room

    Although the time for the college entrance examination this year was affected by the epidemic and was postponed to July 7-8, in order to ensure the information security of the examination room, the corresponding measures have not been reduced at all.


  • In the future, mobile phone jammers are as common as mobile phones

    There are also many examination rooms used in various postgraduate entrance examinations and CET-4 and CET-6 exams. In order to ensure the fairness and justice of the test and isolate electronic cheating methods, the use of wireless signal jammers (also known as mobile cell phone jammer) in the examination room has become a standard configuration


  • Mobile jammers quit the habit of indulging in games

    With the advent of the summer vacation, primary and secondary schools in various places have begun to have holidays, but the test for parents has come one after another-what should I do if the child is addicted to mobile phone chat.


  • Mobile jammers are gradually integrated into people's lives

    In many occasions in life, such as exams, meetings, etc., using mobile phones is very inappropriate. At this time, in addition to confiscating mobile phones in advance, you can use mobile phone jammers to remove mobile phone signals and Wi-Fi signals within the range of specific occasions


  • Mobile jammers can forcibly quit the bad habit of addicted to mobile phones

    If an adult is addicted to mobile phones, you can adjust it yourself, read a book, go out for shopping, there are still many things to do in life. If you are a child, you will be addicted to mobile phones when you are at home during winter and summer vacations.


  • Mobile phone jammers are widely used

    The standard classrooms in schools are generally about 75 square meters, each classroom equipped with a mobile phone jammer can achieve better results. It can be placed in the middle of the classroom and can be shielded to the greatest extent.


  • perfectjammer is already very mature in the field of signal jammers

    In life, people who don’t understand signal jammers often encounter some problems. Today I will help people answer them one by one.


  • Mobile jammers completely eradicate cheating

    The function of each mobile phone jammer is different. Of course, the smart phone jammer also has its unique functions. Below, Dazhan Electronics will solve its mystery for everyone.


  • To curb the development of mobile phone jammers, we need to start from the source

    In order to effectively curb the phenomenon of random sales and use of mobile phone jammers, the only way to manage them is from the source, with the cooperation of confidentiality, industry and commerce, quality supervision, and public security departments, and strict control from production and sales channels.


  • Can citizens buy and use mobile jammers randomly?

    The reporter consulted relevant information and found that as early as 2007, the State Security Bureau and the Ministry of Information Industry jointly issued the "Regulations on the Development, Production and Sales of Mobile Communication Mobile Phone Jammers for Confidential Conferences."


  • Mobile jammers are very effective for classroom discipline

    A netizen broke the news that a college in Sichuan had installed cell phone jammers and placed cell phone bags in classrooms. The netizen posted a long post expressing dissatisfaction with the school, thinking that such a move was unreasonable.


  • Mobile phone jammers cause severe interference to radio communications

    Changsha Radio Management Department recently investigated and dealt with a mobile phone signal jammer interference case. The radio management department reminded that it is illegal to set up and use mobile phone signal jammers without permission.


  • GPS jammers can be sold online

    The Morning News reported that a BMW from a car rental agency in Wuhan was driven to Shanghai by a tenant and was almost dismantled and sold. Fortunately, the owner of the car rental agency followed them all the way and finally retrieved the BMW from a repair shop in this city.


  • GPS jammers cannot be bought and sold casually

    Popular media recently highlighted reports of car thieves using GPS jammers, solar flares emitting L-band radiation, and faulty TVs wreaking havoc on GPS receivers throughout the port.


  • Who supervises mobile phone signal jammers in the market

    As early as 2007, the State Security Bureau and the Ministry of Information Industry jointly issued the "Regulations on the Development, Production and Sales of Mobile Communication Jammers for Confidential Conferences." It requires that the sale of mobile cell phone jammer for confidential meetings should be strictly controlled.


  • The essence of mobile phone jammer is to interfere with electromagnetic

    The 2018 National College Entrance Examination will also be conducted from June 7th to 9th. According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, from now until the end of the college entrance examination,mobile cell phone jammer will be turned on in the examination room, which will affect the calls of nearby users.


  • Mobile jammers should be managed by law enforcement agencies

    A few days ago, technicians from the Radio Administration Bureau of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province received an interference complaint from China Mobile’s Yichun branch, saying that its base station near the industrial park in Yuanzhou District, Yichun City was subjected to strong interference.


  • GPS jammer can intercept car thieves

    The owner parked the Leopard V6 off-road vehicle in his yard. After getting off the car, he pressed the remote control lock and heard a beep, and went upstairs with confidence. What he didn't expect was that the signal of the remote control lock was intercepted by the car thief with a "gps jammer" in the middle, and the car was not locked. The car thief opened the door and drove the car away.


  • Ban jam wifi with laptop from being sold in the U.S.

    Imagine someone deployed a jam wifi with laptop in a large retail store on Black Friday. These types of IoT security disasters are fast approaching. Last summer, DePoe-Hughes filmed a rather strange scene in Manchester Castle Shopping Park in the fall. After the door is locked, it cannot be unlocked. The situation is just the opposite.


  • Mobile tiny cell phones for sale jammers can interrupt radio intrusions

    Electronic devices usually need to be wirelessly connected to the Internet and/or other IoT hardware. As people increasingly rely on IoT devices, this sounds like the ideal setting for digital criminals. Many security experts, including Ken Westin of Tripwire, will agree.


  • Ordinary people cannot detect mobile phone tower tracking jammers

    The prevailing belief is that wireless cell phone jammer are illegal, in most countries/regions. The Federal Communications Commission states: "If you are not an authorized user of the federal government, you are not allowed to use phone tower tracking jammers in the United States (even privately owned)


  • wireless video camera jammer make people tired

    The bad guys want to be as anonymous as possible. For this reason, they may prefer to make wireless WiFi jammers. According to researchers Mathy Vanhoef and Frank Piessens at the University of Leuven in Belgium, this is now easier than ever.


  • The shielding effect of indoor mobile cell phone bug detector jammers is reduced

    New Delhi: Four years after the fourth-generation cellular service started operating in the country, prison inmates’ rampant use of mobile phones has increased and they decided to upgrade their interference system from 3G to 4G. Since prisoners are known to use 4G SIM cards to make VoIP calls and keep in touch with their employees, cell phone jammer installed in prisons that can block 3G signals are almost unusable.


  • The performance of mobile jams cellphones is lower than that of mobile towers

    During the search, the Tihar authorities found a high-end mobile phone from the cell of the former minister of Haryana, Om Prakash Chotala. "The use of mobile phones by prisoners in prisons is the focus of the police and prison authorities, and we are working hard to stop them.


  • Mobile lojack detector jammers are sold all over the world

    The Roman Catholic priest in Naples, Italy, suffered from the jingling of his mobile phones. He decided to get rid of electronic interference in a high-tech way: according to the London Daily Express, he had installed a cell phone jammer.


  • Use mobile phone titan jammers to prevent eavesdropping

    According to reports, the reason the neighboring merchants were less enthusiastic was that the mobile cell phone jammer also blocked the credit card authorization device. It turns out that “the church is located in the center of the so-called “Pignasecca” in central Naples.


  • Mobile cell tower spoofing jammers to combat human trafficking

    As part of its anti-trafficking activities, the government’s immigration services will reactivate at least four cell tower spoofing jammers at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA). The Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced on Wednesday that it will install similar mobile cell phone jammer in all immigration areas of the country’s international airports.


  • Mobile jammer store hoax rejects all cyber attacks

    With the increasing throughput and range of the next-generation 802.11n WLAN in IEEE standard products, the "fully wireless" enterprise access network has attracted a lot of attention. One consideration for using only unlicensed radio waves for company LAN access is the impact of interference on network availability.


  • The effect of mobile phone detector device in busy areas of electronic products is very obvious

    mobile phone detector device are mainly aimed at various places where the use of mobile phones is prohibited, such as various examination rooms, schools, gas stations, churches, courts, libraries, conference centers (rooms), theaters, hospitals, governments, finance, prisons, public security, and military centers.


  • Install a mobile cell phone signal detector in the examination room to prevent cheating

    It's the time of the annual college entrance examination again. Why are there such situations around the exam site during the college entrance examination that "cannot make and receive calls, cannot access the Internet, and send and receive unsuccessful information"? This starts with the cell phone signal detector for the college entrance examination.


  • Fined $34.9 million for using cell phone bug detector

    Beijing time on May 27th, according to foreign media reports, a man in Florida and a Chinese company CTS Technology were formally fined US$48,000 and US$34.9 million respectively by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for the use of signal interference by the man. To prevent drivers from using cell phones, and CTS Technology sells these devices.


  • Car out of control is caused by mobile cell phone detector

    A few days ago, the Limpopo police multi-departmental joint operation prevented a group of criminal gangs attempting to plan a robbery in the Tzaneen area in advance. According to the wire report, the police found a Mercedes-Benz car driving along the road outside Tzaneen.


  • cell phone in backpack can maintain law and order

    Attorney General Vitaliano Aguirre II said last Sunday that two more advanced cell phone jammer will be installed next week in the "new national prison" where some high-profile prisoners are detained. (NBP) Building.


  • cheating using cell phones in school affect mobile base stations

    In order to prevent students from playing with mobile phones at night, Yuyao No. 4 Middle School installed cheating using cell phones in school on every floor of the student dormitory building. It is true that the students do not use their mobile phones when they go to bed at night, but the surrounding residents are annoyed: the mobile phone signals are gone.


  • Most network problems are caused by phone tracker detector jammers

    On January 30, the police from the Wolong Police Station of the Wenshan Public Security Bureau cooperated with radio law enforcement officers from the State Industry and Information Commission to monitor and investigate the disturbed area.


  • How does the mini portable cellphone jammer j 260a shield the signal

    mini portable cellphone jammer j 260a, I believe students in the past few years know what it is, the most common radio jamming device in the examination room. It mainly interferes with the cell phone signal in the nearby area, causing the cell phone signal to lose connection with the base station.


  • hidden cell phone detector can no longer be used in special places

    The rapid development of communication nowadays has brought closer communication between people. However, while communication technology brings convenience to people, it also brings new challenges to communication security and confidentiality.


  • Mobile mini cellphone jammer needs to be connected to the scene to use

    The penetration rate of smart phones is getting higher and higher, and the scope of application is getting wider and wider. From small to life consumption to large work applications, we can't do without it. However, in some special occasions, the functions of mobile phones should be limited, but there are still some people who do not follow the regulations and still use mobile phones unscrupulously.


  • Does WiFi jammer affect your life?

    No matter where we go now, it seems that the first sentence we enter the store is to ask the owner: "What is your WiFi password?"


  • It is illegal for WiFi jammers to block other people's signals

    Because Xiao Mou in Xinfeng County was worried that WiFi would be harmful to his body, he bought a wifi jammer and installed it in his home. As a result, the network signal of the entire community was sometimes lost.
