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    How to avoid being monitored by GPS trackers?

    Recently I discovered that there is a device similar to a tracker under my car. I don’t know if someone is really monitoring me. GPS jammers can prevent this from happening?

    2021-03-23 Martin Jason

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    How to protect the laptop from hackers?

    Hi, everybody! I often do all kinds of different things on my laptop, from work to entertainment. But recently I read the news that malicious elements invaded your laptop via WiFi connection. Can I avoid it?

    2021-03-22 Newwin Hung

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    How to overcome police jammer?

    Mobile police jammer are designed for mobile phones. First, you have to understand their working principle to know how to overcome mobile phone jammers.

    2021-01-27 Burks Christopher

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    How to protect yourself from government drone surveillance?

    Hi, I have read the news about military-grade drones that will be used to track American personnel, and I want to know, is there any way to hide or disable surveillance? I did not do anything illegal, I just want to be safe, and not be under surveillance all the time!

    2020-11-20 McNeill Nicole

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    How to protect yourself from hijacking?

    Hi, I recently stumbled upon a new camjacking technology that uses your own browser and webcam to monitor you. I want to protect myself, but I don't want to turn off the camera because I often need it. Is there any way to achieve it?

    2020-11-16 Ketola Joshua

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    How to stop the hidden spy module in modern gadgets?

    Hi! I heard that the recent G20 summit in Russia brought a new spy. They said that Russia made some gifts to the participants, such as USB hubs and flash drives. The German Secret Service inspected these devices and found that they had some hardware monitoring modules installed. Such gadgets are more frequent. They are all from China. How to protect yourself from those spyware modules.

    2020-10-11 Shpunt Michael

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    How To Use Tile Tools Safely?

    Hi, I want to know how the Tile tool works, I didn't get it from the description. Tile seems to be a very useful gadget, but it is very good to make sure it is safe.

    2020-10-07 Nguyen Hung

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    How to keep us safe from malicious WiFi hotspots

    Recently, I saw on the Internet that the free Wi-Fi hotspots around us are not secure and sometimes maliciously steal our personal information. How do I keep myself safe?

    2020-03-23 wilson serena

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    How to increase the interference range of the jammer

    Hello friends, I want to know if there is a way to improve the working range of the wifi jammer. I have to stop the Wi-Fi network in the adjacent building and they always make noise to me. I can't stand it. I want to buy an interference device. The problem is that it is about 150 to 170 feet. Help me choose the right device, or maybe there is a way to increase the interference radius of some of them. Do a lot in advance!

    2020-03-22 Hierta Johnathan

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    How to prevent my father from spying on me with Lowe’s Iris smart home system?

    My father installed Lowe’s smart home system a couple of weeks ago. That’s a cool gadget but now Verizon added a USB modem that is compatible with our smart home system. Now it can be monitored remotely, over the internet. I need to block that, because we can’t hang out with my boyfriend, while my dad is out

    2019-12-2 Ogden Bert

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    How to stop spying camera?

    With radio technology is more and more developed, the spy tools also do more and more small. They all come from China, that's why I'd like to know, how to protect myself from those spying modules.

    2019-7-09 Stan Micah

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    How to jam pinhole camera?

    I have a neighbour, in this 2 years he placed 2 video cameras on his Doors and looking on mine on a distance of aproximative.

    2019-7-09 Harley Job

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    How to solve the trcking form GPS

    I have found out that my boss is tracking the car I am using, I don't like that I don't even want to touch the GPS tracker device.

    2019-7-09 Cara Esthe

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    How to disrupt cell phone signal?

    I can't stand people talking on the phone in public any more. Every day I can hear all kinds of loud calls. Like a woman talking about her cosmetics. Or a lady talking about her family's menu tonight. So I want to know how to block cell phone signals? I need to be quiet

    2018-06-10 Sibyl Jordan

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    How to block vehicle gps tracking?

    It is said that GPS tracking devices are now easily available in the United States to track individuals. I am very worried about this. I don't know when I will be followed by others. So I want to know how to block the GPS tracking of the vehicle

    2018-06-10 Eden Addison

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    How to block a bluetooth signal?

    I've heard that the security of smart devices is getting worse recently. Many hackers can use WIFI and bluetooth signals to break into smart devices and steal personal data and bank accounts. So, I want to know how to block the bluetooth signal to make sure my smart device is safe.

    2018-06-10 Elijah Nico

Welcome to Perfectjammer Wiki

Welcome to the world's most professional jammer wikipedia. It's all informations about cell phone jammers, GSM blockers, GPS disruptors, 3G / 4G / 5G/wi-fi/bluetooth scramblers, drone/uav jamming devices. This website is provided by Perfectjammer with professional support. Experts will answer all your questions from 9am to 7pm every day. If you have any questions about interference devices, please ask immediately and you will receive a reply soon