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    What is GPS jammer? Why use it?

    We often see information about the GPS jammers in the Internet. So what's the function of the device?

    2018-11-21 Douglas Kit

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    What is 5G Jammer?

    5G era is coming, I heard 5G jammers is born. What is 5G jammers?

    2018-11-19 Justin Julian

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    Can teachers use cell phone jammers?

    I'm a techer. Although I know that using mobile phones can help students learn more knowledge. But I still can't stand it when students use mobile phones to chat or surf social software in class. I've heard that there's a device called a cell phone signal jammer that can jam cell phone signals. Can I buy and use it?

    2018-06-07 Nora Zechariah

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    Can I buy a cell phone jammer in the US?

    I learned on the Internet that there is something called a cell phone jammer. I am very interested in this kind of products and would like to know can I buy this kind of equipment in US.

    2018-06-10 Gilbert Robeson

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    What is the use of mobile jammer?

    Although I've heard about cell phone signal jammers for a long time, and this device has been mentioned more and more in recent years. But I don't know what the uses of such devices is.

    2018-06-07 Elva Noah

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    Where can I buy a gps jammer?

    It is said that privacy in the United States is increasingly difficult to protect. My neighbor's car was recently fitted with a GPS tracker by his wife, who discovered the truth about his infidelity. I think it's very scary, it's completely private, so I wonder if I can buy a device that can block GPS signals. If can buy it, where I you buy it?

    2018-06-10 Hilda Marcellus

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    What frequency civilian gps use?

    I've heard that GPS trackers are now easily available in the United States, and there are often people who do it illegally. So I was very worried about my privacy and whereabouts being leaked. So I was very worried about my privacy and whereabouts being leaked. So, I want to know what frequency civil GPS generally USES, I want to block such signals, to protect their own security

    2018-06-10 Sarah Whitehead

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    Can I jam a drone signal?

    Although drones are one of the hottest topics at the moment, they have brought us a lot of convenience. However, due to the misuse of drones, they are often used for some illegal and criminal activities. Our privacy is also at stake, and there are often drones with cameras passing through our yard. So I wonder that can I jam a drone signal?

    2018-06-07 Edward Judson

Welcome to Perfectjammer Wiki

Welcome to the world's most professional jammer wikipedia. It's all informations about cell phone jammers, GSM blockers, GPS disruptors, 3G / 4G / 5G/wi-fi/bluetooth scramblers, drone/uav jamming devices. This website is provided by Perfectjammer with professional support. Experts will answer all your questions from 9am to 7pm every day. If you have any questions about interference devices, please ask immediately and you will receive a reply soon