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Users need to understand knowledge about GPS jammers in order to better use them

perfectjammer png2022-08-15

GPS jammers come in a variety of sizes and configurations, the design you're most likely to encounter includes an adapter that includes 1-3 antennas and plugs into a cigarette lighter. Employees have been using GPS technology since its introduction in 1990. Since then, a game of cat and mouse has been played between GPS engineers and staff. In most organizations, employees inform their colleagues of the ability to "beat" the system, leading to increased use of GPS jammers in stores, regions, or companies.

Users need to know about GPS jammers for better use

So how do you know someone is using a GPS blocking device to jam the signal?

It's not that simple. They make decisions based on the lack of information. Many employers blame GPS devices, lost cellular service, or dead GPS signal spots. Recorded data is difficult to record due to the lack of information to record anything. Since most employers don't understand wireless technology, they think these excuses are all within the scope of opportunity, so they place the blame on GPS tracking devices.

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GPS jammers can cause random loss of GPS data

In most cases it doesn't happen at a specific time on a specific day of the pattern. Employees use GPS jammers to do what they need to do to schedule company time, such as having lunch with friends, doing business, picking up kids from school or going home early.

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These behaviors are mostly random, which could be a clue

Another clue is seeing similar GPS tracking behavior across business units and industries. Because the driver provides a "jump system," others will mimic the behavior you'll see over time, adding to the random loss of GPS data between vehicles.

  1. You can compare a number of data sources showing accumulated mileage, RPM rises and falls, lower tank levels, and more.
  2. All of these things don't solve the mystery, but they create enough environmental evidence to warrant action.
  3. The advent of GPS jammers has added a new dimension to the ongoing cat-and-mouse game between employers who want to track their employees’ whereabouts and employers who want to maintain their employees’ privacy and autonomy.
  4. These devices come in many forms, with one common design being an adapter with 1-3 antennas that plugs into a cigarette lighter, providing a convenient and covert way to block GPS signals.
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Since the introduction of GPS technology in 1990, employees have been looking for ways to circumvent tracking systems, leading to a proliferation of GPS jammers in workplaces around the world. However, detecting the use of these devices is not always simple, as employees often use them covertly and employers may attribute signal disruptions to other factors, such as cellular service outages or dead GPS signal points.

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A clear sign of GPS jammer use is random loss of GPS data, which often occurs sporadically and unpredictably rather than at specific times or patterns. Employees may use cell phone jammer during work hours to facilitate a variety of activities, such as having lunch with friends, conducting personal matters, or leaving get off work early, leading to erratic GPS tracking behavior across business sectors and industries.

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To detect and address the use of GPS jammers, employers can use a variety of data sources, including accumulated mileage, RPM fluctuations, fuel tank levels, and other environmental evidence. While these indicators may not definitively prove the presence of a GPS jammer, they can provide ample basis for further investigation and action to address potential misuse of company resources.

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As technology continues to evolve, organizations must strike a delicate balance between monitoring employee activities for legitimate purposes such as safety and efficiency, while respecting individual privacy and autonomy. Effective policies, training, and oversight are critical to navigating this dynamic landscape and ensuring a fair and transparent work environment for all parties involved.

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