Why are you using GPS jammers
These days, having movements tracked — online and in the real world — is becoming more common. For business especially, there is a long list of GpS tracking benefits. While many people are willing to share their location for good purposes, there are others who are not.

The reasons for using jammers are varied. Originally created by the government, GpS jammers were designed for military use. Concealing vehicle location can be crucial to the success of a mission. The devices act as a cloak giving the military privacy, increased safety and an overall advantage in high-risk situations.
Among civilians, some speeding drivers may use jamming devices to try to prevent detection by police and avoid fines. Criminals use GPS jammers as cover for vehicle theft or to avoid toll charges or mileage charges. In the fleet world, GpS jamming could be used by a driver to prevent the employer from knowing where they are going with the company vehicle.
To law enforcement and the transportation industry, GpS jammers are both a nuisance and cause for concern. Jamming interferes with GpS vehicle tracking, also known as fleet tracking or telematics, which is a critical source of business data to many companies. Fleets use telematics to track and manage fuel use, idling, driving behavior, engine health and other activities.