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Scrambler Cell Phone

Some students use mobile-phones to cheat at the exams. National-poll on the use of digital-media for cheating in exams, conducted by the Benenson Strategy Group, revealed that almost ¼ of high school and university students surveyed said they did not think storing notes on a cell-phone or texting during an exam constituted cheating. More than 35% of students admit to cheating with cell-phones, and more than half admit to using the Internet to cheat. More importantly, many students do not consider their-actions to be cheating at all. Other key-findings from the poll include: 41% of students say that storing notes on a cell-phone to access during a test is a serious-cheating-offense, while 23% do not think it constitutes cheating at all; 45% of students say that texting friends about answers during tests/exams is a serious-cheating-offense, while 20% say it is not cheating at all; 76% of parents say that cell phone-cheating happens at their children’ schools, but only 3% believe their own-children have ever used a cell-phone to cheat; 62% of students with cell-phones use them during classes, regardless of school-policies against it; and students with-cell phones send and receive on average 400 text-messages a week and 110 a week, while in the classroom (Daily Nation, 2014). The results highlight a real-need for parents, educators, and leaders to start a discussion on digital-ethics and to find new-ways to fight the current-threat of inappropriate-use of mobile-phones.

When you get a call at a restaurant or the movies or such, you get the hell away from peopel to continue your conversation. Why are some cell phone users so unconscious of what's going on around them? As others have said, just common courtesy will do, but maybe frequent cell phone use is, indeed, ruining people's brains. A hihg power cell phone jammer works because, when you think of it, cell phones are “basically two-way handheld radios.” And the cell phone, like a radio, needs to send a signal to a nearby tower that is then passed along to the individual on the other end of the line in order to work. Most jammers transmit on the same radio frequency as nearby cell phones, sending a louder, more powerful signal to surrounding towers. So, when a jammer is activated, its signal immediately blocks out all of the other competing signals, with the nearby tower unable to support anything beyond this strong, manufactured signal. In other words, think of the jammer as a loud siren or horn that drowns out every conversation in its proximity. In the face of this situation, mobile phone jammer is one of the best choices. When such devices are turned on, the surrounding 3G and 4G signals are instantly blocked. You don't have to worry about students texting or browsing social software. If your school has a WIFI signal, then the jamming device you choose must have WIFI interference.

Ever been annoyed at a motormouth chattering on his cell phone, while you are forced to listen to his yakety-yak? Such people are loud and obnoxious, and talk while you're enjoying a meal at a restaurant or watching a movie at the theater. They talk in the bus or the train, while you're commuting, and even in churches, mosques, or other places of worship. They talk in the library or the museum, where people are expected to be quiet. They talk in the hospital, where sick people are trying to get better. Do you get irritated by such chatterboxes? Well, don't worry, because a cell phone jammer will come to your rescue.

A mobile phone signal jammer is usually used to stop cell phone use, in places where its use can disturb the surroundings. It stops all the wireless connections used by the mobile device, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The signal range of a personal jammer can be anything from 10 meters to 100 meters. It even works in congested areas, which may include walls and other obstructions. Portable jammers are pocket-sized, and look like cell phones themselves. This makes them easy to hide. Larger devices are more powerful, and have a larger range of operation.

16 Bands Power Adjustable Desktop Cell Phone Jammers

 Cell Phone Jammers

This product has a very large range to jammer signals, can block all signals within 70 meters, able to meet the needs of the vast majority of situationsa. Suitable for classrooms, auditorium, library, cinema, office space such as a larger place. The jamming signal of this device is very stable and can guarantee the interference effect. This device is arguably the most reliable desktop jamming device of all time.


Power Adjustable 8 Bands Cell Phone Signal Jammer

Dsektop 8 Bands Cell Phone Blocker

As a multi-function desktop jammer, this product can block 8 frequency bands. It has very , the jammer range is large, the interference signal output is stable. It has a single frequency switch, and can adjust the output power and control the jamming range.


Handheld Type Military Camouflage Cell Phone Jammers

6 Bands Cell Phone Blocker

The device is the only one that is currently equipped with an LCD screen. You can clearly observe the data by displaying the screen. It can be more precise. With a single frequency switch button, it is convenient to open or close a frequency band. Has 1 main switch, the No. 1 to No. 6 switches for antennas single control switches, can choose to interfere antennas function individually; the switch with memory function, if device restart, default before function design


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