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Detect A Cell Phone Jammer

Perfectjammer 2021-07-25

Detect A Cell Phone Jammer

The next step is how to install the test room signal? Detect A cell phone jammer It should be placed in a well-ventilated place, avoid large objects as much as possible, and avoid strong heat sources and strong electromagnetic sources. To ensure the shielding effect and long-term stable work. When working, do not stack other objects and disassemble the antenna, so as not to affect the shielding effect and damage the machine. When the mobile phone jammer is not in use, the power supply should be cut off in time to avoid affecting the normal operation of the mobile phone. When using mobile phone jammers outdoors, you should pay attention to waterproofing. When the area of ​​the used field is larger than the effective shielding range, it is recommended to use multiple shields for honeycomb installation to ensure the shielding effect. Since the power supply and antenna are dedicated to the host, and the factory debugging is one-to-one debugging, please try not to use each other to ensure good results. Keep away from corrosive gases and liquids, and do a good job of preventing dust and moisture to avoid accelerating the aging of the internal components of the equipment. When placed outdoors or in the wild, you should pay attention to adding protective devices in the environment where destructive animals such as rats and ants are infested.

Handheld optional Detect A Cell Phone Jammer details. Soon you will know that this handheld optional 4G GPS signal jammer is designed with a power of 4800mA/h and is very powerful, so when the mobile phone jammer is fully charged, this GPS 4G jammer with high-capacity battery can Continue to work for about 2 hours. In addition, the shielding function of this 4G mobile phone jammer is also very powerful, because if you need it, it can cut off the signals of 3G 4G phones, GPSL1, GPSL2, GPSL5 and LoJack at the same time. In addition to the design of optional buttons, users of this portable high-capacity battery GPS LoJack 4G mobile phone jammer can also determine the shielding frequency band of this LoJack GPS 4G mobile phone jammer, which is very convenient. More importantly, this LoJack GPS 4G shielding machine with high-capacity battery is also designed with a good heat dissipation system. Having a car charger also enables this LoJack GPS 4G shielding machine to have a high-capacity battery, which is easy to use in the car. Therefore, this handheld optional GPS LoJack 4G mobile phone jammer has a shielding distance of up to 15 meters, depending on the intensity of the detailed information. In addition, the high-quality cooling system also makes this handheld optional GPS LoJack 4G mobile phone signal jammer in good working condition.

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