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Reviews 12 Antennas Plus Portable jammers gps

$1298.99$798.99 Product Details

The 12 Antennas Plus Portable Mobile Phone Signal Jammer is a device designed to disrupt mobile phone signals effectively. With its twelve antennas, it ensures a wide coverage area and efficient signal blocking capabilities. This portable car gps jammer is perfect for various situations where the use of mobile phones needs to be restricted, such as in classrooms, libraries, or confidential business meetings.

Review Reviews 12 Antennas Plus Portable gps signal blocker

Date Added: 11/13/2023 by Rae Peacock

hi,ini bisa jammed signal untuk jarak berapa meter ya?thank you for sharing btw

Date Added: 11/12/2023 by Lisa Spenser

Will this be able to block a GPS under my car if someone is tracking me?

Date Added: 11/12/2023 by Hogan Francis

But gps jammer can't block s7 tracker I right??

Date Added: 11/12/2023 by Zara Crofts

Would it block your Location on your phone?

Date Added: 11/11/2023 by Barton Morrison

Is that my insurance company will notice that I’m blocking the signal?